Family & Tour-group Members' Pictures (part 1/2) ---

Days 01 - 06 -- Taiwan => Norway




     Day 1,   Day 2,   Day 3,   Day 4,   Day 5,   Day 6


(Click thumbnail images to see enlarged images)


Day 1 ---  On the Way & Transfer                                               Back to page top

FD01-01 Set-out & Transfer (出發與轉機) ---

D01-01-05_The map of this trip with the major routes being indicated:

Norway --> Finland --> Sweden --> Demark

D01-01-06_The map of Europe with arrows indicating our transfer at Amsterdam, Netherlands and the first stop of the trip being Oslo, Norway

D01-01-03_We took the KLM Airlline at Taoyuan Airport to start the trip

D01-02-00b_National flags of the four countries we visited in this trip

D03-04-04a_A shot of our tour group (taken at Myrdal Station, Norway, 2017/07/19)

D01-02-09_A shot taken while transferring at Amsterdam, Netherlands (in front of a duty-free shop)

D01-02-04_Another shot taken while transferring at Amsterdam, Netherlands (strolling in the airport while waiting)

D01-02-02_A third shot taken while transferring at Amsterdam, Netherlands (waiting to board the plane)

D01-02-12_A fourth shot taken while transferring at Amsterdam, Netherlands (having a drink before a wine bar)

Day 2 ---  Tours in Oslo, Norway                                      Back to page top

FD02-01 Arriving at Oslo Airport, Norway (抵達挪威奧斯陸) ---

D01-02-00a_Today's first tour route (indicated by the red arrow)(the town Lillechammer in the left white circle has been changed to be Hamar in our trip)

D01-02-00b_National flag of Norway, the first country we visited in this trip

D01-02-05_The exterior of Oslo Airport where we arrived at Norway

D01-02-06_The interior of Oslo Airport

FD02-02 Oslo City Hall (Radhuset) (奧斯陸市政廳) ---

D02-02-01_There are lots of wall paintings in the hall, all about world peace D02-02-06_One more large wall painting on the second floor

D02-02-03_The local guide at Oslo (right) and our group guide (left) D02-02-04_In front of a large wall painting on the first floor

D02-02-02_A look at a specific detail of one of the paintings D02-03-01_At a sculpture in the frontal yard of the city hall

D02-02-03_A panoramic view of a wall painting on the first floor (the person in front is a member of our tour group

FD02-03 Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset) (維京船博物館) ---

D02-05-01_The entrance of the museum where many old Viking ships are exhibited D02-05-04_Our local guide

D02-04-14_A shot outside the museum D02-05-03_A complete old ship exhibited in the museum

FD02-04 Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) (維格蘭雕塑公園) ---

D02-05-06a_A broader view of "Pole of Life" in the park

D02-05-02_A shot in front of the pole (Note: the park is more formally called Frogner Park) D02-06-02_A shot on the main walkway in the park

D02-06-07_The statue of "Angry Boy"("Do you know why he is angry?") D02-06-09_Two of the sculpture series on the two sides of the main walkway

D02-06-05_Playing with the "Angry Boy" D02-06-06_In the middle of the main walkway in the park

D02-05-07_Having a rest at a corner in the park

D02-05-06_A flower corner

FD02-05 National Opera & Ballet (Den Norske Opera & Ballett) (國家歌劇院和芭蕾舞團 ) ---

D02-07-01_A shot in the large frontal yard before the building D02-07-02_A coffee shop corner in the Interior of the building

D02-07-06a_A wide view of the building of National Opera & Ballet (Den Norske Opera & Ballett)

Day 3 ---  Train Tours + Fjord Cruise in Norway                      Back to page top

FD03-01 Flåmsbana Train (佛拉姆景觀鐵道火車) ---

D03-01-02_A shot before taking the train at Oslo Station, which goes to Flam D03-01-08_Another shot
D03-01-04_In the train D03-03-03_A selfie photo in the train

D03-04-04a_A shot of our tour group taken at Myrdal station in the middle of the Flamsbana tour

D03-04-05_A photo taken at the Myrdal station--- the next train tour after this transfer station is called Flåmsbana in Norwegian, which means "the Flåm Line"  D03-04-12_Another photo taken at the Myrdal station

D03-05-01_A shot of our happy tour group in the train

D03-05-03_A deep valley of Flåm seen from the moving train D03-05-04_Kjosfossen Waterfall (奇歐斯福森瀑布) seen on the way from Myrdal to Flam where we had a stop to get out of the train

FD03-02 Sognefjord Ferry (索格納峽灣渡輪) ---

D03-05-06_A large cruise ship seen at the Flåm Port which is the start point of the cruise in Sognefjord (including two parts: Aurlandsfjord and Nærøyfjord) D03-05-08_A shot before boarding the cruise ship at the Flåm Port

D03-06-07_We had lunch at Flåmstova Restaurant before the fjord cruise D03-05-08_A shot of the interior of the cruise ship which we took

D03-06-06a_A scenic view of a part of the fjord

Day 4 ---  Train Tours + Fjord Cruise in Norway                     Back to page top

FD04-01 Jostedal Glacier Park (約斯特達冰河公園) ---

D04-03-02_We rode troller cars and then hiked to reach Briksdal Glacier in the park

D04-03-03_The Briksdal Waterfall (Briksdalselva) seen during hiking to reach the glacier

D04-04-03_The Briksdal Glacier is in the background

D04-04-04_We were in a happy mood there

D04-05-02_Standing hIgh against a rock mountain facing the glacier

D04-05-04_A shot beside a creek near the glacier

D04-05-03_A waterfall facing the glacier

D04-06-02_The troller car we rode to the glacier

D04-06-01_A shot again during the hike

D04-06-03_A shot with our tour guide

FD04-02 Geirangerfjord (蓋倫格峽灣) ---

D04-08-01_A shot before a store at the port of Hellesylt which is the start point of the Geirangerfjord cruise

D04-09-02_Chatting with our tour group members before boarding the cruise ship

D04-09-01_A shot on the pier of the Hellesylt Port

D04-09-03_Strolling in the town of Hellesylt near the port

D04-09-04a_A panoramic view of the fjord seen from the pier of the Hellesylt Port

D04-10-03_A shot in the open air of the fjord on the cruise ship

D04-12-04_A shot on the ship with famous Seven-sister Waterfalls in the background

D04-11-06a_A shot of a group of sea birds while cruising in the fjord

D04-12-06a_An enlaged image of famous Seven-sister Waterfalls (Can you count the number of waterfalls to be exactly seven?)

D04-13-02_Strolling around Hotel Union in the town of Geiranger which is the end of the Geirangerfjord cruise

D04-13-05_An antique automobile exhibited in the hotel where we stayed overnightl

D04-13-06_The fjord of Geiranger can be seen from the hotel room 1

D04-13-06a_Reading tour information in the hotel room

D04-13-06b_The fjord of Geiranger can be seen from the hotel room 2

Day 5 ---  Curved Roads + Train & Bus Tours in Norway      Back to page top

FD05-01 Ørnesvingen (Eagle Road) from Geiranger to Eidsdal (老鷹之路) ---

D05-02-04a_A panoramic view of the entire curved Geirangefjord (this is a UNESCO World Heritage Site) which was observed by us on the Ornesvingen View Point in the Eagle Road

D05-02-06_The first part of Geirangerfjord seen from the Ornesvingen View Point is in the background D05-02-04_A shot at the Ornesvingen View Point with the first part of Geirangerfjord in the background

D05-02-11_A panoramic view of the first part of the Geirangerfjord seen from the Ørnesvingen View Point

D05-03-03_A shot at the pier of Eidsdal which is the end of Ørnesvingen (Eagle Road) D05-03-12_A shot at the pier of Eidsdal

FD05-02 The Troll Path (Trollstigen) from Linge to Andalsnes (精靈之路) ---

D05-04-02_An iron bridge on the spot of Gudbrandsjuvet which is a ravine (seen at the start of the Troll Path) D05-04-04_A ravine means a deep narrow valley with steep sides in a river

D05-05-10a_A panoramic view of a lake and its surrounding mountains in the Troll Path

D05-05-08_A shot in front of the lake D05-05-09_Another shot in front of the lake

D05-06-04_A waterfall named Stigfossen can be seen from various directions at a rest area in the Troll Path D05-06-05_A shot in front of the waterfall

D05-07-01_From the rest area, the Stigfossen Waterfall and the curved Troll Path can be observed D05-07-03_A shot with the statue of a troll in the rest area

D05-08-06_A panoramic view of the Troll Path and the Stigfossen Waterfall

D05-09-03_A three-headed troll statue seen at the Trollstigen Camping Area at the end of the Troll Path D05-09-05_A shot with a troll statue at the camping area

FD05-03 Rauma Scenic Train Tour (Rauma Banent) (勞馬景觀鐵道) ---

D05-10-01_Arriving at Andalsnes Railroad Station which is the end of the Troll Path and the start of Rauma Scenic Train Tour (from Andalsnes to Hamar with a stop at Dombas) D05-10-03_Norwegian Mountaineer's Center near the station where we had lunch

D05-10-08_The train we took for this Rauma Scenic Train Tour D05-11-04_A scene of a series of mountains seen along the way

D05-11-08_A panoramic view of a pretty scene along the way

D05-12-05_A shot of our tour group at the Dombas Station taken when we reached there D05-12-06_A shot of one of our group members before a big troll statue near the station

D05-12-04a_A shot of our tour group before a big troll statue

Day 6 ---  Catching King Crabs + Visiting Europe's Northernmost Point in Norway                                                                        Back to page top

FD06-01 Flying northward to Alta (北飛阿爾塔) ---

D06-01-01_We went back to Oslo from Hamar by bus to fly to Alta (the Lion Agency's map indicating erroneously that we went back from Lillehammer)
D06-01-04_We took Northern Europe Airline to fly to Alta D06-01-02_A shot before taking the plane

D06-01-05_We had lunch in Thon Hotel Vica in Alta after arriving there D06-01-06_A happy lunch time

FD06-02 Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta (北光天主堂) ---

D06-02-03_We visited the Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta D06-02-04_The interior of the cathedral with people worshipping

D06-02-06_A panoramic view of the interior of the cathedral

FD06-03 Experiencing King-Crab Catching (體驗抓帝王蟹) ---

D06-03-03_Impressive houses of the village of Honningsvåg which we reached by bus D06-03-05_Impressive water-side houses of the village of Honningsvåg

D06-03-06a_A panoramic view of the cute houses on the shore of the water area where we caught king crabs

D06-04-01_Everybody wore a very thick coat to prevent the extreme coldness on the sea during king-crab catching D06-04-02_The style of the coat was smart

D06-04-09_It was very cold on the water while riding the high-speed boat D06-04-10_The group members were all excited during boat riding

D06-04-10a_A panoramic view of the water area where we tried to catch king crabs

D06-05-05_A demo of crab cutting by the boss of the crab shop with our group leader helping language translation

D06-05-02_A close look at the structure of the crab D06-05-02a_A happy time of seizing a king crab

D06-05-03_Before a tank of caught crabs D06-05-06_A review of sitting in the hovercraft and cruising in the sea for crab hunting

D06-06-04_The boss showed us how to enjoy king crab legs D06-06-02_The steamed crab pieces we had together

D06-06-05_The meal for everybody was a crab sandwich with some noodle D06-06-08_A closer look at the meal we had

FD06-04 Visiting North Cape (NordKapp) (訪問北角) ---

D06-12-08a_A bus taking us to Nordkapp D06-07-08_A shot against sunset

D06-08-07_A panoramic view of the sunset and beautiful colored cloud seen on the way

D06-09-01_A globe struture stands right on the North Cape (Nordkapp) D06-09-02_People were waiting to see "the sunset and then the sunrise" in a short time duration

D06-09-03_"Here I come to the northernmost point of Europe!" D06-09-04_"So am I!"

D06-09-06a_A panoramic view
D06-11-02_A series of round plates of a large artwork nearby D06-11-04_A statue of "Mother and Child," which is the main part of the artwork

D06-11-05_A shot with the statue D06-11-06_Another shot

D06-12-01_Sending a postcard at the northernmost post office in the world D06-12-02_Two trolls seen in the the rest area called Northern Cape Hall (Nordkapphallen)

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